Design Discovery
UX Research
Event report: Jingumae Open Studio – Experiments with Work in Progress
‘Editing’ the office workspace
Remote UX research: A guide to shipping a “lab” to participants
Seven rules for perfect Japanese typography
Event report: Jingumae Open Studio – Experiments with Work in Progress
Earning space—should I have to prove it, and other thoughts on belonging
Marking Space—in a shared (work)space, what is mine vs yours and why does it matter?
Taking up space—Belonging, permission and freedom in the fragile dynamics of sharing (work)space
‘Editing’ the office workspace
How to be in tip-top shape on the day of a user interview
Remote UX research: A guide to shipping a “lab” to participants
Running an in-lab research project in the midst of a global pandemic
Evolving our practice of interaction design —ideas from Interaction 18
Making Meekee, a Slack bot using Google Calendar
Design Sprints in Japan
Gracefully joining a conference call (and our Slack bot to help with that)
Redesigning the Design Review
Seven rules for perfect Japanese typography
A Practice of Ethics: Five Questions for Designers
The story of the AQ Postcard Kit
AQ welcomes Mathieu and Mamiko
AQ is opening an office in Paris
Placing a stone on a path
AQ Event Report: the Induction of the Little Printer
Choices, choices, choices
AQ and Open Network Lab to lift User Experience quality for Tokyo’s Startups
Event Report: The New Context Conference 2011 Fall
AQ visits Open Network Lab for a UX Cram Session
How Responsive Web Design becomes Responsive Web Publishing
What we can learn about service design from Google+
Subject lines from Barack Obama's email newsletter are written for forwarding.
Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami Creative Industry Survey Results
Summer Adventures in Echigo Tsumari
Interview: Takram and the Muji Notebook app
Collaboration: Metallic Printing with Roland
Map Kit for 2011 Tōhoku Earthquake and Tsunami
Infographics Roundup: 2011 Tōhoku Earthquake and Tsunami
Interview: Designing a Website for Art Setouchi
TAB Talks: Tweeting Art Setouchi
New Office: Ladder Shelves
Gap’s Barcode Member Drive: Connecting physical stores and online services
Event wrapup: Adam Greenfield’s “Becoming Real”
Creating a “Comfortably Bilingual” Talk Event (Part One)
AQ event report: Re-thinking Museums
Milestones and Google Analytics
Tokyo Art Map featured in “Layouts for Catalogs and Pamphlets”
"If you've worked on two records a year and they both suck, then you've blown a year"
AQ Field Trip: Echigo Tsumari Art Triennial
Meiji Redesigns, Replaces Legendary Wordmark
Design localization Google's home page in Asia
PechaKucha Nights: Guide to Better Presentations Skills
Facetime 1: Type Designer Eric Olson on Klavika
Facetime 2: Type Designer Jeremy Tankard on Bliss
Facetime 3: Type Designer Jarno Lukkarila on Xtra Sans
Facetime 4: Type Designer Chester Jenkins on Galaxie Polaris
Facetime 5: Type Designers Kai Oetzbach and Natascha Dell on Jenny
Facetime 6: Type Designer Nikola Djurek on Amalia
The Case for New Type
CBC-net Interview: Khoi Vinh
Wayfinding in Tokyo: Local Context and Direction Map Design